Growth Happens

Children's Ministry Director
Sherry Graber

Get to Know Us
In July 2024, Sherry answered the call to step into the role of Children's Director here at Living Hope Christian Center. Sherry and her Husband Kyle have attended LHCC for 10 years and counting. Sherry is a PCHS Graduate and is involved within the community. Their family is committed to helping children know who Jesus is and how He loves them!
Reach me at: lhcckidsmin@gmail.com
Making Disciples Of All Ages

Pentecostals with a seatbelt
Important statements concerning beliefs & practice
The Assemblies of God is a Pentecostal Fellowship that believes what the New Testament teaches about the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for evangelism and edifying the body (Church). We are however, very concerned and aware of the growing publicity of unbiblical or unbalanced practices by those using the term "Pentecostal" or "Charismatic". LHCC is not affiliated with Bethel Church of Redding CA, word of Faith theology (name it claim it), prosperity gospel teaching, or NAR influencers. We are unashamed of the Gospel and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Yet, we recognize the scripture is our seatbelt and grounds us to practicality and function for edification of believers and glorification of the Father God in Heaven. We love discussing these topics and even if you aren't sure how to feel about these concepts, if you're willing to open a Bible with us we're confident we can have an enjoyable, and even fun conversation.
Our Senior Pastor and His Family
In September of 2018, Pastor Andrew and his wife Mary answered the call to Pastor in Pine City. Andrew is an avid outdoorsman and long range rifle enthusiast, while Mary is the creative type with a passion for arts and crafting. In Ministry, their primary focus is making Disciples who make more Disciples. They don't believe in protecting people from their Bibles, and desire to lay out every good and true thing the Lord has for His people! If you are interested in connecting, come check LHCC out on a Sunday @10:15am!

Giving Link
Where we meet:
11914 Fairway Rd SW Pine City MN 55063

When we meet:
Sun: 10:15am

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.
Luke 8:15

Why Growth Happens Here
For the authentic seeker of God, a seed has been planted in their heart. We believe that through loyalty to Christ and His Body (a local Church) a person will learn to become a disciple of Jesus. Don't think of a disciple as someone who simply learns like a student studying for a test... no, a disciple is closer to an apprentice in this context. We read, study, worship, pray, disciple, and grow that we might act on God's call in real life, as He leads. God has planted a good seed in us which is His promise and His Word. We believe that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth just as the Lord promised, and the scripture is God's primary way of doing so. God promised to build His faithful Church, and by Faith we Grow.
Help Wanted!
Teens/Youth Group Leader
We are currently hiring for a Youth Pastor or leader. We have a growing Church and this is an imminent position we are looking to fulfill!
Security Team Members
With a growing Church, we have a need for increase in our current security team. Differing options are available to those who qualify.
Children's Team Volunteers
Wednesday and Sunday teams are growing, and we'd love to add you to our background checked and trained team of volunteers on either a monthly, or weekly basis!

Mission Statement
LHCC exists to:
1. Reach the Lost
2. Worship God
3. Disciple Believers
4 Show Compassion to a Broken World